I stopped writing blogs in 2019, social media seemed to take over didn’t it? Now it seems clear that social media is some sort of nefarious, oligarchic, dystopian, psy-op: I have decided to write blogs again… So in 2025, Blog is back on.

The content will live here and I will own it. This is an exercise in digital independence, I cannot in good conscious continue to concentrate my efforts on corporations which i despise and think are wholly corrosive to human society.

Writing has always been a strong creative outlet for me. I am a big poetry fan and one of my children is quite literally a literary genius. A well crafted turn of phrase can be just as satisfying as form and colour, timbre and tone. Words can create vivid scenes that feed the imagination, we all imagine differently though the words remain the same. Reading books is probably the opposite of doom scrolling on the internet.

And yes… I do intent to write a book one day, most likely a photo book about my god forsaken country. So officially, I state to the world that I start my practice here!

I hope you enjoy my rambling and if you do, please consider forwarding an article on to a friend or family member who may also enjoy it. In an age of overwhelming ambivalence I wish to form close knit and meaningful connections with people who care about ideas, the world at large and other people.



If you enjoy the content presented here, please do feel free to send me a token of gratitude by making a donation. There are options for monthly, weekly and one -time donations.

I must say it took a very deep gulp of pride to add these buttons to my website, it feels a little like cyber begging and up until 2023 I had managed to make a decent living from my creativity alone. However social media and streaming have reduced the value of art so greatly that it is difficult to provide time, thought and practical creativity for nothing. I now have to combine several streams of income to get by, your generosity being one of them. It is what it is, I will continue to create.