Cailleach-Oidhche (Old Woman of the Night) - Oil On Canvas, 61cm x 50.8cm
Owls have a confused symbolism in Scotland. Ancient people believed Owls were wise, good luck and to make eye contact would bestow you with the wisdom of the dead. Modern (post colonial) parlance would lead you to believe Owls are stupid, harbingers of doom and bad luck . Of course the native aspect is far more in keeping with the birds actual behaviour. Owls are intelligent and have excellent memories, wild owls often show compassion to captive owls by taking them food and lingering late at night talking to them. I read an article from a guy who runs an owl sanctuary and he believes the wild owls feel sorry for the captive owls. I have seen a pair of barn owls twice since moving to EK and it does feel like good luck, though the second time i saw them they were definitely arguing. Do I believe owls can speak to dead and guide you through the afterlife? I dunno, never made good enough friends with one. Maybe??? Afterlife is probably more like the pellets they sick up eh???
I’ve been drawing owls a lot, so now I’ve painted one. This is another one of these fast confident paintings, it’s had two passes, one for the background and line work and then a second (once it had dried) to add eyes, details and some sketchy, splatter flair.
Cailleach-Oidhche (Old Woman of the Night) - Oil On Canvas, 61cm x 50.8cm
Owls have a confused symbolism in Scotland. Ancient people believed Owls were wise, good luck and to make eye contact would bestow you with the wisdom of the dead. Modern (post colonial) parlance would lead you to believe Owls are stupid, harbingers of doom and bad luck . Of course the native aspect is far more in keeping with the birds actual behaviour. Owls are intelligent and have excellent memories, wild owls often show compassion to captive owls by taking them food and lingering late at night talking to them. I read an article from a guy who runs an owl sanctuary and he believes the wild owls feel sorry for the captive owls. I have seen a pair of barn owls twice since moving to EK and it does feel like good luck, though the second time i saw them they were definitely arguing. Do I believe owls can speak to dead and guide you through the afterlife? I dunno, never made good enough friends with one. Maybe??? Afterlife is probably more like the pellets they sick up eh???
I’ve been drawing owls a lot, so now I’ve painted one. This is another one of these fast confident paintings, it’s had two passes, one for the background and line work and then a second (once it had dried) to add eyes, details and some sketchy, splatter flair.