High-8 annual - concept
The extended high-8 family had a busy year in 2010. Lot's of great adventures attained documented and enjoyed (mostly). The quality of imagery and writing goes from strength to strength and collective inspiration mixed with fresh air and exercise is an intoxicating mix, I threw these layouts together on the premise of getting a wee annual put together, collecting the best stuff of the site and expanding on it. In reality time constraints and no money means this project will be put together of a matter of years and released as an e-book to begin with. I think in time everyone involved in high-8 will get some input on this and with time and consideration i think we could produce something which is honest, entertaining and amazing to look at. At the moment however this remains an exercise in page layout. Here's to slow simmer and an exceptional publication when and if the world around allows the time to get it developed.