I have been taking photos of Scotlands musicians for over a decade. My aim is to work with artists on concepts that reflect not only their music but also heighten their artistic vision to convey their art effectively and with force. I consider myself very lucky to have worked with so many talented people, from straight up hard-core Gàidheil-trad, to experimental new age Ethno-Techno and everything in between.
I have been part of the wallpaper of the Scottish Music scene since the late 90’s.
Sèoras - Blended Weirdo - DLÙ
Marianne Fraser - Little Win
Kate Young - Fælling
Ross Ainslie - POOL
Ewen Henderson - Lèirsinn Cover - Gleann Neibhis
Rachel Newton
Aileen Sweeney
Duncan Chisholm - Black Cuillin
DLÙ 2024 - Close To
An Dannsa Dub
Kate Young - Symmætry
Catriona Price
Tartan Paint
Croft No. Five - A.I. Band Photograph 2024
One Love - Arrested Development
Rachel Newton - To The Awe
Kinnaris Quintet 2022
Breabach - Fàs
Amy Duncan
Lady Maisery
Ewan Henderson - Steall
Rachel Newton
Ewan Henderson (Herring) (Sgadan)
Hamish MacLeod
Charlie Grey
Joe Peach
Jenn Butterworth
Josie Duncan
Neil Ewart and Ali MacQuarrie
John Mulhearn
Kinnaris Quintet
Mairearad Green - Loch Lurgainn
Iain MacFarlane of Glenfinnan
Graham Mackenzie
Josie Duncan
Graeme Armstrong
Griogair Laubhridh
Mairearad Green
Rowan Rheingans - Lady Maisery
Kinnaris Quintet
Hamish Napier
Amy Papiransky
Joe Peach and Charlie Grey
Hamish MacLeod
Ingrid Henderson
Assynt Band
Amy Duncan
Production Stills for Simone Smith
Neve Pearce - Puppet Maker
Ben Lewis Cormack - The Massacre Cave
Thom Wall as the Brahan Seer
Kim Richards
Lauren McColl
Amy Papiransky
Kinnaris Quintet
Kim Richards
Iain MacFarlane and Ingrid Henderson
Rachel Newton
John Mulhearn
Victor Wooten
Ross Ainslie
Rachel Newton
Cammy Maxwell
Mike Vass
Marthe Reeves
Average Whiteband
Adam Sutherland
Average Whiteband
Mike Vass
Coigach Lass
Tom MacQuire without his Brass Holes