Red Bull - Canvas Cooler
After my minidrome video I got the call from Red Bull to come and document their Canvas Cooler event in swg3. I jumped at the chance, I have an enormous amount of respect for Red Bull and all they do to progress Sports, Arts and generally keeping western culture kicking along in a caffeine, taurine fuelled craze.I arrived at the venue early on. I had spent a full day in swg3 the week before taking photos for the treacherous orchestra (they will be up in december) so I knew the lay of the land pretty well. Hanging about in a room full of spray paint fumes, glue and various other solvents certainly puts a fair head on you and between bouts of intense concentration the craic was flying. Charlotte, Nick and all the other RedBull folk looked after us really well and kept us all inspired and ticking over.All in all a classic event that i'm sure will go from strength to strength. Here's the official RedBull article. some gallus photos from Steven Atichinson (4130 / Hman) is Wrong Platform by Pretty Lights.